Our Nation?
When you're living in a kakistocracy that's plummeting towards cataclysm, the worst thing you can do is keep quiet. Remember, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Do not go gentle into that good night! Silence is complicity.
Why yelling?
This community will be dedicated to the encouragement of boldly voicing opinions, ideas, concerns, and disagreements. We encourage you to yell it from the rooftops or post it on the web. Just be prepared to back up your assertions with data, evidence, and facts. Keep discussions civil even when they are heated, boisterous, or emotionally charged.
Speak Up Loudly
A platform fostering bold expression of opinions, supported by facts and civil discourse.
Voice your Concerns
Engage in discussions and share evidence for your viewpoints and beliefs with passion.
Support Civil Discourse
Encouraging open debates while maintaining respect and understanding among differing opinions.
Share Your Ideas
Post and discuss your thoughts bravely, backed by data and evidence for credibility.
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Join our community to voice your opinions and concerns. Let's make our voices heard together!